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Thursday, 1 November 2012

Incy wincy Canoptek Spyder tore you into little pieces!

Oh yes indeedy there is now two complete Canoptek Spyders, in the game they a heavy support option and a unit generally comprises of one or two Spyders. They were started on Sunday 28th October and finished on the 1st November. Work that I’m particularly pleased with is the Gloom Spheres and the little gun type things that are mounted on the underside of the beasts. The gloom spheres were given a coat of dark green in then a coat of Moot Green, a layer of Goblin Green, dry brushed with Moot Green and then the crystal sections were coloured with dark green ink. The same method was applied to the green areas on the small guns. What doesn’t show in the photos is that the supporting arms for the spheres were given a wash with Nuln Oil
Once dry they were placed on the model and the the various fabricator claws were added. There are differences between the fabricator claw load out for no other reason than because I can.
Anyway, here are some photos of the Spyders. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it. the photos aren’t particularly brilliant, this is my fault and not down to the camera. I haven’t had it long and I still don’t know how to work it properly, I need some lessons!

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