So a quick run down on the Overlords, as I’m rather chuffed with how they’ve come out.

Each model has six separate parts, front and back torso, the back half of the torso includes the cloak, legs with a front piece of the cloak (I’m sure it has a proper name), head, right arm with warscyhte, and two left arms, one with a resurrection orb and one that is holding onto the ornate hand rail of the Catacomb Command Barge.

The first stage was to drill small holes, (3mm width) in the underside of each foot and the glue a magnet into each hole. Whilst the leg magnets were setting I put the torso halves together, since that need time to set I checked over the barges for any area I had missed. Once the torso was set I drilled a recess in the left arm and fixed a magnet in place. The tricky bit with the magnets is making sure that the polarities are different otherwise the whole plan is ruined. To overcome the issue of polarity I put two magnets in each recess and marked the outer facing with black paint, the marked side would be the one that would be glued to the part. Since both left arms have a small ball which sits in the shoulder socket the model required a slight modification by removing most of the end of all four left arms, making sure that I had the angles right and the arms would sit in a natural pose I snipped off each end. This was more important for the arm that would be fixed to the hand rail as it will be holding the Overlord in place on the barge and therefore the angle for that arm had to be spot on so that the model would be stood upright and not at some freakish angle. Once all that was done I drilled the bases for the Overlord to be place on when being used as an infantry model. I put a lump of modelling putty on the underside of each base and pressed the legs down so that the base magnets would be sunk to the right level on the base. When the putty had set the magnets were glued in place.

With all the magnets done it was time to paint the models. Starting with an undercoat of black for the whole thing I painted the legs, arms, torso and head with Chainmail. I left the crest on the head black and the ornate cloak black and they were painted with antique gold and then used Golden Griffon dry compound to drybrush the cloak and crest, both areas were then given a very subtle drybrush with Necron Compound to highlight the edges.

The wiring just under the chest was given a wash of red ink on one and blue on the other, the dynasty symbol on the chest was picked out with Scorpion Green, finally the eyes were given a spot of red ink. What I haven’t done with this model is given it any form of aging through the use of washes, glazes or shades. The reason for this is that I wanted the Overlord to look as though it has been well maintained during its millions of years in stasis and has awoken in a near pristine condition. Since the Overlords are the at highest level of the Necron hierarchy I feel that they, would have been held in the highest regard and every measure would have been taken to assure a full restoration when roused from stasis.

So with the barges complete I will start on the triarch Stalkers which I hope will not take as long as the barges.
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